Aug 12, 2009


Old uni web page

My firt stop motion

Just got home from the movies...

My heart aches....

It desires someone so close, yet so unreachable.

Isn't it frustrating to feel so much and not being able to do something about it.

This feeling...
This thing inside of you...
It doesn't just go away or dies, it just keeps growing.
You feel your heart bursting...
And there's no way...
You cant find no escape...
Not a single hole to let it be free.
And here's the tricky part, it doesn't want to wonder free It wants to belong to someone...
It wants to matter...
It wants to give and receive...
It wants to change someones life...
To be part of this dance people call "LOVE". It wants to become one, to unite with what the other person his supposed to give in return.

But, you just can't do it...
All you can do is remember...
Remember those moments...
Remember your persons smile...
It gives you such a warm feeling inside...
Remember your persons smell...
It gives you that tinkling feeling in your belly...
Remember your persons touch...
It gives you goosebumps in your skin...

Those moments that bring a smile to your face...
Those moments that bring a smile to your heart...
That moment when you fall on your back into your bed...
Just laying there looking up....
Just realizing how deeply in love you are...
With that person...

That person so close, yet so unreachable...

¨Green is the new Black¨

Aug 5, 2009

Dinosaurs RaWr

For a friend

Clase de illustracion y uni

n este carrito puedes encontrar el abcdario entero menos las letras, k, s, y and Z

Old Work

Ugly duck :P <3

Propuesta para nueva etiqueta Cerveza Ambar.

My lips

old llustration

Esta manzana nunca la termine.

This is Mickey, DUH!!! Lo hizo pa un "hand-made" angelito.

This is vero, she is a mini me, jejejje.